The ‘Getting Involved in Researching, Learning, and Studying of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Act’ (H.R. 2762) was introduced to the 114th Congress by Representative McNerney.

I know from personal experience that STEM careers can be personally and professionally rewarding, and we owe it to our young women to make sure they have access to the necessary education … When women succeed, we all succeed. With more women in STEM jobs, we’ll help grow our economy and make sure we’re competitive with the rest of the world.”

Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-9th district), mathematician & wind energy engineer

The bill hopes to bring $50 million (FY 2017 to 2021) in new K-12 funding to the Department of Education to encourage girls to pursue studies and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The focus of the bill is to encourage girls in K-12 through mentoring and tutoring programs, afterschool activities, events to encourage interest and develop skills in and understand the relevance and significance of science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. In addition, it provides funding for professional development of K-12 teachers focused on eliminating gender bias in the classroom.

If you are interested in getting involved, you can! Email your representative in Congress and ask them to support (or co-sponsor) H.R. 2762.

Don’t know who your representative is – find out here
