Joke Lübbecke
Joke Lübbecke is a Junior Professor for Physical Oceanography at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany. Her research is focused on interannual to decadal tropical ocean-atmosphere variability. For example, she is trying to better understand the mechanisms that control the strength and frequency of sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific, such as those related to El Niño and Atlantic Niño events. When she was at NOAA, Joke used ocean circulation models to research the spread of contaminated waters from the Fukushima disaster.
Joke has known about ESWN since she was a PhD student in Germany, and she first became a member when she lived in the US as a Postdoc in Seattle. Joke says, “Being married to another climate scientist and having moved back and forth between Germany and the US with a child, I enjoy many of the discussions on the ESWN forum as they give valuable information on a variety of topics relevant to me as well as a sense of community. I find that both of these aspects are combined in the best possible way in the workshops organized by ESWN. I was lucky to get to participate in two of them on the topics of leadership and management skills in Providence, RI, and on networking and communication in Kiel.”