Endowment Achieved!

ESWN is excited to announce that we have successfully achieved our $150,000 Endowment. This has been made possible by $100,000 in generous donations by people like you (Thank you!) and a generous $50,000 matching grant from the Madison Community Foundation. This endowment will provide base funding for ESWN now and into the future!


Thank you to everyone who has helped this a reality. This Endowment Fund will earn interest, from which ESWN will receive ongoing funds each year that will cover our basic operations.

Here are some pictures from the ceremony where we officially completed the $150,000 Endowment.

And as a bonus, here is a pic from 2017, when we had raised $50,000 and received a $25,000 matching grant from Madison Community Foundation.

If you would like to continue to support ESWN’s programs, we would love you to make a one time or monthly recurring donation here.