ESWN is made up of women at various stages of their careers. Members can learn from one another and offer valuable insights. As of 2016, the majority (54%) of our members were either graduate students or postdoctoral scientists. Given the career stages represented by our membership, it is not surprising that a large majority of our members are currently employed by a graduate degree granting university. However, our membership represents a diversity of workplace environments, with 13% working outside the traditional academic spheres of colleges, universities and government labs. To find out more about the various institutions our members work at, go here.


ESWN members represent a variety of geological and environmentally oriented disciplines. Our members’ research spans a range of topics, with the most popular including climate change, biogeochemistry, ecology, and atmospheric science. To read more about individual members and their work be sure to check out our current and past ESWN spotlights. The largest portion of our membership comes from the Atmospheric sciences, likely due to our organization stemming from a conversation between six atmospheric scientists at an AGU meeting. To find out more about the origin of ESWN, please visit Our Story.