StrictlyFishWrap Blog

This blog is led by an ESWN member!

“This blog is fairly free form and aims to help (mostly) graduates students work on their writing and communication skills. We cover anything oceanographic, marine biology/ecology or policy based, looking for submissions that are mostly (but by no means limited to) anecdotal stories, commentaries on science life, field work (of all kinds, even terrestrial), cruises, fishermen meetings, teaching undergrads, being poor, job hunting, balancing life — whatever.

Take a break from writing your research and start writing about your life. We’re looking for entries 500 – 2000 words long. We will take something shorter if it’s quality.

If you would like to become an author, send an e-mail to us. Once you submit your first piece, send us a little (literally like two sentences) blurb about yourself to put on the Bloggers’ Page (if you like). At the moment, there is no limit to the number of authors we’re willing to take on. We think diversity and many voices are awesome.”

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