Posts by Rebecca Barnes

How to plan an inclusive scientific meeting

Scientific meetings can be exciting, a dose of scientific enthusiasm! We are able to share our ideas, learn from others, find collaborators, and reunite with existing colleagues. Meetings are a critical part of the global scientific enterprise. Network development and …

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Consider nominating an ESWN member for an AMS award!

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) invites members and friends of the AMS to submit nominations for consideration for the Society Awards, Fellows, and Lecturers.  Each year the AMS honors individuals, teams of people, and institutions for their outstanding contributions to …

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2018 ESWN Professional Development Workshop

October 28-30, 2018
Boulder, Colorado



This professional development workshop is designed to help women build leadership and management skills that will contribute to their success and advancement in scientific organizations. Over 2 days, professional facilitators and members of …

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Dr. Melanie Okoro receives 2017 NOAA Fisheries Award

In October 2001, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) created a series of annual Employee of the Year Awards. NOAA Fisheries Employee of the Year Awards recognize employees that have made significant contributions to NOAA Fisheries stewardship responsibilities.

Congratulations …

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ESWN wins PAESMEM Award!

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM)
represent the highest honors bestowed upon mentors who work to expand science, technology, engineering
and mathematics (STEM) talent.

The Awards were established in 1995 and the first awards …

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ESWN Currents | May 2018

ESWN Newsmakers

Katharine Hayhoe wins Award For Outstanding Climate Science Communication

Jurors for this award called Dr. Hayhoe “a unique voice in the climate communication world… able to reach audiences that other climate scientists have not been able to reach.”

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Currents | April 2018

Media Round Up

In case you’ve sworn off Facebook or have been too busy to web-surf this month, we’ve combed through our discussion group archives and pulled the links that generated the most buzz in our online community.

This month

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Welcoming Women into Geosciences

Early results of a program* to foster the careers of women entering the geosciences demonstrate the effectiveness of several specific factors – including the importance of same gender mentoring and the importance of role modeling – to the retention of …

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Currents | March 2018

Quality of Life

Many were moved by a recent profile of two geoscientists (& ESWN members) featured on NPR’s recurring StoryCorps segment. The piece highlights how these two women successfully balance family with the demands of their research.


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Currents | Feb 2018

The Leadership Board is interested in what topics are resonating within the ESWN community. As part of this effort and thanks to ESWN member Wendy Chou, we will now post periodic summaries of the topics that generate lasting conversations in

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Open Letter to the Geomorphology Community

This letter is to alert the community to ongoing online harassment by a registered sex offender who targets individuals in geomorphology and related fields. This has been a problem for many years. The offender, who has an Earth Science degree …

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Navigating NSF Workshop

For those of you who couldn’t be at the workshop or didn’t get a handout, here is the PowerPoint presentation that Jennifer Wade from the National Science Foundation gave on “Best Practices” for grant proposals:


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Participate in a Focus Group at AGU!

Are you concerned about sexual harassment in STEM?

You are invited to participate in a focus group as part of a National Science Foundation ADVANCE award to develop bystander intervention and research ethics training to improve work climate conditions in …

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ESWN at AMS 2018

ESWN is hosting two events at the 2018 American Meteorological Society meeting in Austin, TX.

Please consider adding them to your AMS schedule.

  • Earth Science Women’s Network Annual Networking Reception
    Monday, January 8, 2018, 6:30 to 8:30 PM
    Moonshine Patio
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ESWN Events at AGU 2017

ESWN will once again be sponsoring and participating in a series of workshops, town halls, and events at the annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. We hope you can join us!

Earth Science Women’s Network Annual Networking Event

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Science-A-Thon Success!

The 2017 Science-A-Thon was a great success thanks to the hundreds of people who participated, donated, and spread the enthusiasm!

With your help, ESWN raised over $32,000! The power of Science-A-Thon came from individual days and lives in diverse countries, …

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ESWN Store!


We have launched an ESWN Store to help support our logo-with-webaddyorganization’s activities.

A portion of the sale price comes back to ESWN and the more we sell, the greater the percentage.

We have three designs featured on t-shirts, sweatshirts, …

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The ‘Getting Involved in Researching, Learning, and Studying of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Act’ (H.R. 2762) was introduced to the 114th Congress by Representative McNerney.

I know from personal experience that STEM careers can be personally

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Taking Ownership of Your Mentoring

mentoringcontinuum coverThe Mentoring Continuum: From Graduate School Through Tenure, recently published, contains contributions from a variety of sources including a chapter: Taking Ownership of Your Mentoring: Lessons learned from participating in the Earth Science Women’s Network written by Mirjam Glessmer, …

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Colorado Front Range mentors needed

Colorado Front Range mentors needed for college-level women interested in higher education and careers in the geosciences

In the United States, men outnumber women in many science and engineering fields by nearly 3 to 1. In fields like physics or …

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